Payroll Calculator

Payroll Calculator and Resources

Click on the link below to use an Excel spreadsheet to figure your gross pay before taxes and other deductions. This calculator was prepared by Paula Rians, Payroll Supervisor, and should assist you in verifying that your payroll was calculated correctly after the PeopleSoft conversion July 1, 2016.

Payroll Calculator

Office Technical Business and Paraprofessional Salary Schedule – EMPC

Office Technical Business and Paraprofessional Salary Schedule – Non-EPMC

Operations Support Services Salary Schedule

Other Support Resources:

PeopleSoft-ESS accessing

  • To view your paycheck, you may click here View Paycheck Login or follow the link on your MyPlan Portal.
  • First time users, your user name is your 6-digit employee ID with no hyphen, i.e. ‘123456’. Your password is the first four letters of your last name (all CAPS) and the last four digits of your social security number.

How to Read Your Paycheck

Sample-Classified Paycheck

Benefit Reference Information 2016

Benefit inquiries should be addressed to  or 858-521-2897.

Payroll inquiries should be addressed to  or 8802 x2144.

Payroll Department Contacts:

(858) 521-2800

Paula Rians, Supervisor, x 2785
Janine Perez (A-C) x 2143
Janet Crews (D-G and T) x 2142
Lorrie Larsen (H-L and N) x 2145
Sherri Dean (O-R and U-Z) x 2141
Veronica Camarillo (M) x 2146
Matt Gilroy (S) x 2148

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